Water Heating System Businesses in Romania
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Romania |
Water Heating System Businesses in the World |
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Alfa Bit Srl - Altenergy Solutions - Ascora Ecoterm - ASETA EcoSol - ASON TRADING srl - Cheso - Solar Water heating, Solar PV Modules - Cyclon - CYCLON TECH Srl - InterGreen - Panouri Solare | Boilere Inox | Panouri Fotovoltaice | eGlobalMarket - Qset Energy SRL - SC Mangus Sol SRL - Solar Energy SRL - Solara. ro - Solarcom Industrial - Solarlab Bright Ltd. - Solartec Solarsystems srl - Sun's Solutions - Tim&Jo Srl - Top Solar SRL - ACTIV CONSTRUCT srl - AncAdriaN Architects - EcoSol - Monsson Alma Srl - SC HobbySoft SRL - SC IB Inginer Birou SRL - Vlady Suntech Srl -
Alfa Bit Srl
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, solar water heating systems, wind turbines (small).
- Address: Arcului 11a, Bucharest, Romania
- Telephone: +40212113411
- Web Site: http://www.alfabit.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Alfa Bit Srl
Altenergy Solutions
Solutii termice bazate pe echipamente de inalta eficienta: panouri solare, pompe de caldura, centrale termice electrice si pe gaz sau cazane pe baza de biomasa. Gama larga de accesorii speciale pentru diverse solutii tehnice. Consultanta profesionala in optimizarea sistemului termic. Advanced thermal solutions based on high efficiency equipments: solar panels, heat pumps, biomass energy boilers, electric and gas boilers. Extended range of accessories for different technical solutions. Professional consultancy in optimizing thermal systems.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: solar thermal energy, solar collectors evacuated tube, solar collectors flat plate, solar water heating systems, solar water heating components, biomass energy boilers, condensing boilers.
- Service types: consulting, installation
- Address: Mihai Bravu, 206, Ploiesti, Prahova Romania 100410
- Telephone: +40 (721) 217383
- FAX: +40 (244) 518761
- Web Site: http://www.altenergy.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Altenergy Solutions
Ascora Ecoterm
Renewable energy products provider, distributor and installer.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: electric bicycles, hydroelectric turbines (small), photovoltaic systems, solar water heating systems, wind turbines (small), wind energy systems (small).
- Service types: consulting, installation, engineering, project development services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Str. Bolocani Nr.2, Scorteni, Prahova Romania 107525
- Telephone: +40 (0)722 210523
- FAX: +40 (0)244 355778
- Web Site: http://energia-verde.centrale-cazane.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Ascora Ecoterm
- Business type: retail sales, importer, distributor
- Product types: heat pumps, solar water heating systems, photovoltaic systems, water storage tanks, water heating systems.
- Service types: consulting, installation, project development services
- Address: Miron Costin 7, Timisoara, Timis Romania 300054
- Telephone: 0040256444111
- FAX: 0040256444111
- Web Site: http://aseta.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to ASETA EcoSol
Looking for partner, we want to sell some % to an investor. Importer for: solar heating systems, wind turbines and photovoltaic systems. Six years experience in selling solar heating systems, stand alone installations with photovoltaic panels and small wind turbines. The best prices in Romania, the first quality. We are looking for partnership to develope our company and our activities.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer, exporter
- Product types: LOOKING for partner to develope the activity of ASON Trading for : small scale solar electric power systems, PV modules, inverters, batteries, solar water heating system, small wind energy systems, hybrid power systems, street lighting, .
- Service types: photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic module components, photovoltaic module mounting systems.
- Address: Str. Aleea Sandulesti Nr. 2, Sector 6, Bucuresti, Europe Romania 061786
- Telephone: 004-0744575466
- Web Site: http://www.ason.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to ASON TRADING srl
Cheso - Solar Water heating, Solar PV Modules
CHESO was established in 1998 and is now a significant provider of high quality and excellent value PV solutions, solar water heater panels, wind turbine. We address the issues of the individual customer, both small businesses as well as the large corporates. The combination of keen pricing, attention to detail and, above all, our superior and friendly customer service, has proved to be a compelling proposition. We are wholesalers and distributors of some of the world's best known solar energy products. We continue to add to our range of products across the re. . . By developing highly effective solutions, and created an enviable reputation for exceptional expertise, industry knowledge and quality of service. CHESO has access to a great res...
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, project development services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 206A-208, Socola, Iasi, Is Romania 700268
- Telephone: 40. 727. 707202
- Web Site: http://www.cheso.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Cheso - Solar Water heating, Solar PV Modules
- Business type: importer
- Product types: Solar Termic SystemsPhotovoltaic Systems.
- Service types: engineering, project development services for RES
- Address: Scolilor nr 28 Dl D2, Braila, BR Romania 810012
- Telephone: +4 0239 612 022
- FAX: +4 0239 612 561
- Web Site: www.cyclon.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Cyclon
- Business type: wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: solar water heating systems, photovoltaic systems, heat pumps, water cooling systems, water heating systems, air heating systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Str. Scolilor Nr. 28, Bl. D2, Braila, Braila Romania 810012
- Telephone: +40239612022
- FAX: +40239612561
- Web Site: http://www.cyclon.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to CYCLON TECH Srl
You can find here all products of alternative energy. Don t forget: The sun and the wind do not send invoices.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: solar electric power systems, hydro energy systems (small), photovoltaic systems, wind energy systems (small), solar water heating systems, alternative homes and buildings, alternative energy products.
- Service types: consulting, installation, engineering, project development services
- Address: str. Carpenului, Pitesti, Arges Romania 110301
- Web Site: http://www.intergreen.bizoo.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to InterGreen
Panouri Solare | Boilere Inox | Panouri Fotovoltaice | eGlobalMarket
Suntem o companie romaneasca diferita pe piata de energie verde si regenerabila ! Abordam problemele diferit, gasim solutii diferite si, nu in ultimul rand, masuram si raportam rezultatele. Intelegem necesitatile oamenilor, cunoastem solutii noi de abordare a problemelor intampinate si suntem focusati pe calitate. Dupa calitate, pretul este tinta noastra finala. Un pret atragator si o calitate peste asteptari. Gandim si implementam solutii noi, in plus, ne pricepem bine la managementul de comunitati. Credem in executii foarte bune si suntem foarte convinsi ca, odata ce stim obiectivele, putem gandi si implementa cap-coada o solutie care sa atinga scopul final. Incercati-ne si nu o sa regretati!
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter, importer
- Service types: installation, project development services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Apele Vii, Bucharest, UE Romania 06667
- Telephone: +40757567572
- Web Site: http://www.eglobalmarket.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Panouri Solare | Boilere Inox | Panouri Fotovoltaice | eGlobalMarket
Qset Energy SRL
QSet ENERGY, was formed to execute on a grass roots campaign, "RENEW THE NATION", to help redeploy a portion of the Romania work force and focus on reducing the world's dependence on fossil fuels by selling solar thermal, photovoltaic (PV) technologies, wind technologies or lighting systems, while building a profitable company.
- Business type: retail sales, importer, distributor
- Product types: LED lighting, solar charge controllers, solar electric power systems, solar lighting systems, solar street lighting, solar water heating systems.
- Service types: installation, construction, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 12th Constantin Istrati sector 4, Bucharest, Romania 040544
- Telephone: +40727. 600083
- Web Site: http://www.qset.us
- E-mail: Send Email to Qset Energy SRL
SC Mangus Sol SRL
Supplier of integrated alternative energy solutions, incuding consultancy.
- Business type: retail sales, project developer
- Product types: biodiesel equipment, solar water heating systems, photovoltaic systems, solar electric power systems, biogas systems, composting systems.
- Address: Bld. Iuliu Maniu 105, Bl. C, Sc. 1, Ap. 1, Bucharest, Ro Romania 061095
- Telephone: +40-722-998306
- FAX: +40 31 8072008
- Web Site: http://www.mangus.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to SC Mangus Sol SRL
Solar Energy SRL
O varianta de incalzire care ia amploare pe piata romaneasca unde in sfarsit romania se va putea bucura de un produs de calitate internationala a unei firme de prestigiu ce activeaza pe piata de peste 42 de ani. Deoarece criza financiara si criza de energie afecteaza din ce in ce mai mult populatia, oamenii vor gasi un sfarsit un raspuns in rezolvarea acestor probleme si anume: energia solara, care are la baza atat aspectul economic cat si ecologic al utilizarii energiei solare pentru incalzirea apei, in acest moment fiind cel mai raspandit in lume.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Address: Str. Povernei Nr. 24b, Bucuresti, Bucuresti Romania 405831
- Telephone: +40 021-317.30.49
- Web Site: http://solarenergy.go.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Solar Energy SRL
Solara. ro
Importer and wholesaler of solar water heating devices, vacuum tubes solar collectors, combined solar heating systems for individual houses, solar electricity generating products
- Business type: wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar electric power systems.
- Address: str. Principala 87, Mihaiesti com. Sinpaul, Cluj Romania 407532
- Telephone: +40264282999, +40264897744
- Web Site: http://www.solara.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Solara. ro
Solarcom Industrial
Solarcom comercializeaza panouri si colectoare solare pentru producerea de apa calda cu costuri zero!. Cele mai ieftine colectoare si panouri solare cu tuburi vidate! www. solarcom. ro
- Business type: importer
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar water pumping systems, wind energy systems (small).
- Service types: installation, engineering, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Aniversarii 29, sector 3, Bucuresti, Bucharest, Rou Romania 7000
- Telephone: +40724504345
- FAX: +40213236078
- Web Site: http://www.solarcom.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Solarcom Industrial
Solarlab Bright Ltd.
For who is interested in conventional energy saving and in the protection of our environment Solarlab Bright offer the SUNERGIZER(R) product's based solutions on the best price/performance ratio.
- Business type: wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: solar collectors evacuated tube, solar water heating systems, photovoltaic systems, solar charge controllers, solar street lighting, solar water heating components storage tanks.
- Service types: installation, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Cernat nr. 27, Etaj I. , Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania 525400
- Telephone: +40 367 804 070
- FAX: +40 367 804 070
- Web Site: http://www.sunergizer.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Solarlab Bright Ltd.
Solartec Solarsystems srl
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: solar garden lights, solar outdoor lighting systems, solar pool heating system components, solar pool heating systems, solar roofing systems, solar water heating systems, water storage systems, photovoltaic systems,solar water pumping systems, wind energy systems, heat pumps, pool heat pumps,.
- Address: Botizului 10, Satu Mare, Romania 440101
- Telephone: +40 723 482 774
- Web Site: http://www.solartec.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Solartec Solarsystems srl
Sun's Solutions
- Business type: retail sales, importer
- Product types: solar water heating systems.
- Service types: consulting, installation
- Address: Baba Dochia, bl D2, ap 5, Timisoara, Romania
- Telephone: =0040723597268
- Web Site: www.sunssolutions.ro
Tim&Jo Srl
Design and installation of photovoltaic, thermosolar, wind and infrared systems. Exporter, importer
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: photovoltaic modules, solar water heating systems, wind turbines (small), water filtering and purification systems, emergency manual chargers for GSM for NOKIA, infrared heating panels, sine wave inverters, carbon film heating.
- Service types: installation
- Address: Str. Donath 107/40, Cluj-napoca, Romania 400331
- Telephone: +40744409896; +40745321231
- FAX: +40364815643
- Web Site: http://www.solutiialternative.ro
- E-mail: Send Email to Tim&Jo Srl
Top Solar SRL
TopSolar SRL is a leading company in solar energy development in Romania, focusing on distribution and installation of solar systems.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer, distributor
- Product types: solar thermal energy, solar water heating systems, solar water heating components collectors evacuated tube, solar water heating components storage tanks, solar water heating components, solar water pumping systems.
- Service types: design, installation, project development services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Str. Boerescu Zaharia, bl. 8, sc. c, ap. 59, Targoviste, Dambovita Romania 130059
- Telephone: +40746999439
- Web Site: http://www.panouri-solare.net
- E-mail: Send Email to Top Solar SRL
- Business type: developer, desig, consulting, research&development
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, building integrated photovoltaic systems, solar water heating systems, air heating system components, air cooling system components, cathodic protection systems.
- Service types: project development services
- Address: Nicolae LEONARD str., No 18, Bucuresti, Sector 2 Romania S2
- Telephone: +40 (0)740 179 667
- FAX: +40 (0) 216 53 46 89
AncAdriaN Architects
- Product types: alternative homes and buildings, energy efficient homes and buildings, solar air heating systems, solar water heating systems, publications.
- Address: 100, av. M. Zorileanu St., ap. 1, sect. 1, Bucharest, Romania 71334
- Telephone: 0040-723-271111
- Business type: retail sales, importer
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, wind energy system components (small), deep cycle batteries, wind turbines (small), solar water heating systems, hydro energy systems (small).
- Address: OP 2 CP 236, Craiova, Dolj Romania
- Telephone: +40723189963
- FAX: +40251466195
Monsson Alma Srl
- Business type: wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: heat pumps, photovoltaic systems, solar thermal electric power systems, solar collectors evacuated tube, geothermal energy systems, solar water heating systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services
- Address: Tomis Avenue No. 308, Constanta, Romania 900407
- FAX: +40 241 611 244
SC HobbySoft SRL
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, DC to AC power inverters, solar water heating systems, hybrid power systems, computer and electronic components.
- Address: Cart. BUCIN Bl.25/Parter, Gheorgheni, Harghita Romania 4200
- Telephone: 040266364519
SC IB Inginer Birou SRL
- Business type: importer
- Product types: solar water heating systems, photovoltaic systems, wind energy system components (small), air cooling systems, geothermal energy system components, solar pool heating systems, biological wastewater purification.
- Address: Stincii 4, Brasov, Brasov Romania 2200
- Telephone: 0040 268417436
- FAX: 0040 268417436
Vlady Suntech Srl
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: air heating systems, water heating systems, cogeneration system components, energy efficient homes and buildings, solar thermal energy.
- Service types: consulting, installation, project development services, research services, architectural design services, testing services
- Address: C. Mille, no. 7/13, Petrosani, jud. Hunedoara, Romania 332029
- Telephone: 0354107508
- FAX: 0354107508
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