Water Pumping Windmill Businesses in Argentina
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Argentina |
Water Pumping Windmill Businesses in the World |
Fiasa - Metalurgica Proteo SRL -
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: water pumping windmills, fuel-powered backup generators, portable power systems.
- Address: Rivadavia Y Alfredo Palacios , Buenos Aires, Argentina 6640
- Telephone: 54-2342-439000
- FAX: 54-2342-439026/439027
- Web Site: http://www.fiasa.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Fiasa
Metalurgica Proteo SRL
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: water pumping windmills, water storage tanks.
- Address: Calle 93 Nro 1169, 1650 San Martin, Bs. As. Argentina
- Telephone: 4752-0043
- FAX: 4502-8329
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