Backup Power System Research Institutions in the United States
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US Renewable Energy Association -
US Renewable Energy Association
USREA is a volunteer renewable energy advocacy organization. We are made up of members just like you from across the USA. We rely on input, news and perspective from our members and partner companies to help spread the word about technologies that are revolutionary, and have the potential to change the way we power our future. We seek participation from schools, renewable companies, researchers and R. E. enthusiasts to assist with content and perspective, so we can share with others. We can only get better with your participation, so we look to our members to make this a great site. Do you belong?
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, wind turbines (small), backup power systems, biomass energy systems, electric cars, alternative home and building construction materials hydro, biomass.
- Service types: research services
- Address: 6697 Lakeshore Road, Lexington, Michigan USA 48450
- Telephone: 810-359-2250
- FAX: 810-359-2250
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to US Renewable Energy Association
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