Backup Power System Consulting Businesses in the United States by Business Name Starting with H
Business Names Starting with H
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H2 Prime - Harmony Solar - Hartland Electric LLC - Helios Electric LLC - Homestead Specialties - Huret Associates, Inc. - A Battery Consulting Company - Hackney Construction - High Desert Winds - Hoku Solar - Houston Industrial Battery Systems - Hybrid Design Services, Inc. -
H2 Prime
H2 Prime assists companies evaluate, design and implement complete hydrogen based power systems from H2 production through fuel distribution and consumption. Let us assist you develop a stable, economical back-up or standalone power generation system for your home or business.
- Business type: Hydrogen Power Systems Consultants
- Product types: hybrid power systems, fuel cell systems, backup and stand alone power systems consulting..
- Service types: Site evaluations, System Design, Project Managment
- Address: 529 7th St.South, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA 55415
- Telephone: 612-386-3029
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to H2 Prime
Harmony Solar
Harmony Solar is the Bay Area's answer to high electric bills! Harmony Solar offers free estimates, solar sales, installations and general construction. We specialize in solar electric, wind and hybrid systems.
- Business type: Retail Sales & Installations
- Product types: solar roofing systems, ground mount solar systems, off-grid solar systems, grid tied and grid tied with battery backup, solar electric power systems, hybrid power systems.
- Service types: Solar Electric Installations & Design
- Address: 4754 Denevi Drive, San Jose, California USA 95130
- Telephone: 408 795-5952 and 1-866-SOLAR-PRO
- FAX: 408-549-9870
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Harmony Solar
Hartland Electric LLC
Hartland Electric is a Veteran owned and operated premier electrical contractor of licensed, conscientious, courteous and highly competent electricians installing solar. With over 22 years experience in the electrical repair business and less them 1 Mw of PV installed we'll do the job on the spot and clean-up after ourselves too. Suddenly, performance is popular again. We were the local contractor choosen to install the PV power system on the Michigan Govenor's residence in Lansing and for Consumers Energy Headquarters in Jackson Mi. Hartland Electric when you want what's new installed with old-school quality. Give us a call today for your FREE estimate!
- Business type: Electrical and Solar Contractor
- Product types: Energy Efficient Inductive Lighting, Generac Generators, Deka Solar Batteries, Outback Charge Controllers, Solectria-SMA-Fronius-Enphase Inverters, Eaton disconnects, Eaton Power Factor Conditioning, Thermal Imaging Camera Services, BP Solar panels, Sharp Solar panels, Uni-Solar laminates, Uni-rac railing systems, Schletter racking, Quick Mount flashing, Eaton Authorized Contractor, Solectria Authorized Contractor, Michigan's Authorized BP Solar Installer, Department of Labor Lifetime Accredited Solar Instructor. .
- Service types: Consulting, Engineering Design, Installation, New Construction, Thermal Imaging, Site survey and assessment services, Electrical Contractor Services, Service Maintenance Agreements
- Address: P. O Box 704, Hartland, Michigan USA 48353
- Telephone: 810-632-2004
- FAX: 810-632-2044
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Hartland Electric LLC
Helios Electric LLC
North Texas Solar Electric Design and Installation. We are a renewable engineering company located in Dallas Texas. Helios Electric designs and installs commercial and residential photovoltaic systems. We also design custom systems, battery backup systems, off-grid, grid-tied and large solar fields. We are also a renewable energy distributor of many solar products. Visit us online for more information.
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: solar electric power systems, solar roofing systems, energy efficient homes and buildings, solar tracking systems, backup power systems, photovoltaic systems, wind turbine power.
- Service types: design, installation, construction, contractor services
- Address: 693 Metro Park Cir. Suite 28, Lewisville, Texas USA 75057
- Telephone: 469.549.1100
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Helios Electric LLC
Homestead Specialties
Sales and Installation Services: Solar electric energy systems and back-up power systems. Stand alone battery configurations and grid tie installations for residential clients plus industrial/commercial remote site applications. Application areas: Lighting, Water Pumping, Traffic Management, Telecommunications and SCADA, Refrigeration, Security, etc.
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: solar electric power systems, renewable energy system batteries, backup power systems, battery charge controllers, DC to AC power inverters, photovoltaic modules.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: P. O. Box 47, St. Charles, Illinois USA 60174
- Telephone: 630-584-8780
- FAX: 630-584-9092
- Web Site:
Huret Associates, Inc. - A Battery Consulting Company
Huret Associates, Inc. has over 40 years of Senior Management experience in the battery industry. HAi consults for clients with battery applications, charging battery materials, market research, seminars, strategic planning, expert witness, and general management issues.
- Business type: service, consulting (Consultant)
- Product types: consumer electronics batteries, lithium ion batteries, lithium polymer batteries, nickel metal hydride batteries, rechargeable batteries, backup power systems, cellular batteries, notebook batteries, power tool batteries, sealed lead batteries, nickel cadmium batteries, primary batteries, secondary batteries, battery charging.
- Service types: Battery Consulting & Business Management
- Address: 484 Kings Road, Yardley, Pennsylvania USA 19067
- Telephone: 215-369-1544
- FAX: 215-493-8455
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Huret Associates, Inc. - A Battery Consulting Company
Hackney Construction
- Business type: retail sales
- Product types: solar electric power systems, batteries renewable energy system, solar water heating systems, backup power systems, hydro energy systems (small), wind energy systems (small). .
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, recycling services, testing services
- Address: 309 Farrens Creek Lane; mail - POBox 13, Grangeville, Idaho USA 83530
- Telephone: 208-983-3109
High Desert Winds
- Product types: solar roofing systems, backup power systems, wind turbines (small) horizontal axis, hydro energy system components (small), generators diesel, backup power systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 545 S. Grant, Pocatello, Idaho USA 83204
- Telephone: 208-317-9433
Hoku Solar
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, backup power systems, photovoltaic module mounting systems, solar electric power systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 1075 Opakapaka St., Kapolei, Hawaii USA 96707
- Telephone: 808-682-7800
- FAX: 808-682-7807
Houston Industrial Battery Systems
- Business type: supplier/service
- Product types: telecommunication batteries, backup power systems, electric vehicle batteries, battery chargers, telecommunications power systems (power plant and distribution), uninterruptible power supplies UPS.
- Service types: Nation wide, installation, maintenance and service
- Address: 2021 Aldine Mail Rt Suite 907, Houston, Texas USA 77039
- Telephone: 281-987-9711
- FAX: 281-987-9758
Hybrid Design Services, Inc.
- Product types: alternative fuel vehicles, backup power systems, batteries electric vehicle, batteries lithium, wind energy system components (large), hybrid electric vehicles.
- Service types: consulting, design, engineering, research services, contractor services, testing services
- Address: 220 North Franklin Street, Dearborn, Michigan USA 48128
- Telephone: 313-730-1800
- FAX: 313-586-0610
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