Hydro Energy Design Businesses in Indiana

Kinetic Art & Technology - SunWind Power Systems, Inc -

Kinetic Art & Technology

Kinetic Art & Technology is revolutionizing the state-of-the-art with its proprietary permanent magnet Segmented ElectroMagnet Array (SEMA) motor/generator technology. SEMA motors and generators provide incredible efficiency over a wide operating range, which makes them especially well suited for electric vehicles and wild or fixed frequency wind turbines. They also feature excellent power density and no cogging torque. Target market is OEMs.

SunWind Power Systems, Inc

SunWind Power Systems is the premier supplier of Renewable Energy solutions in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and beyond since 2005. We design and install customized SOLAR and WIND systems. NABCEP and MWBE certified, and have a proven track record of on/off grid, solar-wind hybrid, and remote power installations. In addition to installation, SunWind Power provides a wide range of energy consulting, such as design-only services, specification and project bid development, energy efficiency and conservation, and equipment only purchases. 25+ years of engineering experience in large-scale industrial settings, formal business training, and financial management experience. Clients: Residential, Commercial, Energy service companies (ESCos), Government

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