Alkaline Battery Testing Services Businesses in the World



The company Valbis Trade Ltd was established in 2006. Our partners and suppliers are some of the most powerful manufacturers of rechargeable batteries in the world âÛ" Panasonic, Enersys, CSB, GAZ, MHB, EVE, LEXEL and etc. Our directions:Industrial rechargeable batteries, Ni-Cd, Pb batteries and servicing, VRLA rechargeable batteries for UPS and security systems, Portable batteries, Servicing of power supply devices (PSD) and large industrial rechargeable batteries, Recycling and production of battery packs for power tools, household appliances, cash registers, phones, etc. An important advantage of our company is the all-encompassing service of the customers in these five directions, which in addition of the delivery of rechargeable batter...


The standard PEC test equipment is micro-processor controlled, and works fully independent. The preparation of a test is done off-line using a PC-GUI interface. The user interface node communicates over a field bus-network with the test system. To obtain the high accuracy and flexibility, features like a dynamic electronic load and an autocalibration are supported. The test system is designed in a modular way in order to reach the specific customer s amount of test positions. In addition, each test position may apply a different, user-defined, charge/discharge profile, including constant or intermittent resistance, current and power tests. Our Formation and Ranking Machines are designed to work with battery trays, and form part of the pro...

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