Large Hydro Energy System Design Businesses in Canada

Blue Energy Canada - Corbu Consulting Inc. - Gpeks - Granfel Power Inc. - Tahira Corporation - TerraVolt Inc. - Avalon Controls & Instrumentation -

Blue Energy Canada

Ocean Turbine - Blue Energy Canada, a renewable energy company, is developing its revolutionary ocean energy turbine system. With its scalable, advanced aerospace technology, Blue Energy leads the world in ocean power generation systems. Blue Energy's ocean turbines generate efficient, renewable, and emission-free electricity at prices competitive with today's conventional sources of renewable and conventional energy. Blue Energy provides an ethical and sustainable energy solution.

Corbu Consulting Inc.

Corbu Consulting has established strategic alliances with third party companies and has formed a team of professionals to enable a wide range of mutidisciplinary services to the hydropower industry, including: Project Management, Hydrology and Water Resources, Hydrometric Networks, Optimization of Hydroelectric Systems, Small Hydro, Environmental Impact Assessment, Geographic Information Systems, Electricity Forward Prices, Custom Software Development, Financial Services for hydropower development.


Project Development - We provide technical management services of sustainable energy projects: Feasibility studies, technical analysis, design, project planning, sourcing and allocation of qualified human resources, project management, project monitoring, quality control and follow up. We offer a complete range of Information Technology solutions related to solar design, and residential energy efficiency and calculations. These IT solutions include complete services such as designing web solutions for various clean energy project technologies and aspects. We also design Information Technology tools to help the implementation of active and passive solar energy for architects, engineering firms, solar energy firms and public organisations. Fi...

Granfel Power Inc.

Energy Reduction Solutions offering a wide variety of green technologies, equipment, lighting and services to help commercial, industrial, recreational, residential, agricultural, and golf course facilities reduce hydro, fuel and water consumption. Reduce usage and costs from 20-50% on average in both older and newer facilities. We specialize in Power Factor/Power Quality Correction Services, fixed overhead reduction and other technical solutions to reduce energy consumption, solve electrical problems, reduce breakdowns of electrical equipment & lighting and prolong their life, reduce consumption on all fuel burning equipment, including Fleets!!

Tahira Corporation

Tahira Corporation is a global technology company with a diverse international management team and strong sales leadership spanning from Europe to the Americas to Asia. We are a leading manufacturer and installers of renewable technology products in the world. Tahira Corporation delivers a wide range of services; Gas Monetization; Infrastructure and Minerals; International development, Support Services; Logistics; Oil and Gas; Power and Industrial; Services; Technology; and Ventures business segments, and demonstrates itself as a technology-driven engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) company.

TerraVolt Inc.

TerraVolt provides integrated, compact, innovative, proven, economical, configurable, efficient, sustainable, uninterrupted, environmentally friendly, and scalable micro-hydro power generation solutions. TerraVolt's electrification solutions are based upon their patented micro-turbine and revolutionary product package called HydroGen, each of which produces between 25kW and 90kW of electrical power from readily available low head (pressure) / low flow water sources.

Avalon Controls & Instrumentation

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