Small Hydroelectric (Microhydro) Turbine Design Businesses in Germany

BEB BioEnergy Berlin GmbH - HydroWatt GmbH -

BEB BioEnergy Berlin GmbH

On August 1th, 2004 the company BEB BioEnergy Berlin Ltd, was established. Owner is the SingLand BioTech Int'l. Co., Ltd, a company active in environment and bio technical field. The BEB staff is a qualified one with technicians, mechanical engineering and biochemists, who have working experience in the area of the environmental technologies for many years. Their abilities have been staying under proof into different companies with different projects. Our activity is in the area of environmental engineering. Here specifically in the fields of the Biogas technology as well as the Waste treatment management. The main focus remains on the biogas technology, for different types of organic wastes, agriculturally, municipality. . . .

HydroWatt GmbH

HydroWatt GmbH is a german specialist company for mechanical and electrical engineering and recommended for manufacture of Francis waterwheels, turbines, trash rack-cleaning equipment, control systems and hydraulic steel structures. Our fabrication, installation and service programs encompass the whole spectrum of hydropower engineering and include renovation, refurbishment and modernisation of existing equipment in addition to the implementation of new schemes.

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